This year we celebrate the 600th anniversary of the death of the Hussite warrior Jan Žižka of Trocnov, an important, if controversial, figure in Czech history who is perceived by some as a national hero, but for others as a criminal and murderer. What is the current state of knowledge of Žižka's life? And is it even our place to judge his actions today?
A lower nobleman originally from the Hradec Králové region became one of the most important Hussite politicians. By seizing the possessions of the Opatovice and Sezemice monasteries, he acquired extensive landed property, which enabled him to relocate to Kunětická Hora Castle. During his career he was hetman (governor) in Hradec Králové, Chrudim, Litomyšl and Vysoké Mýto cities. At the end of his life, he legalized most of his property gains, and for about two years he was also the purgrave of Prague Castle. As a military leader he had mixed successes. However, he was victorious in the most important battle at Lipany (1434) against radical hussites.